CPE / Multiple Choice Cloze
Cambridge English: certificate of Proficiency exam (CpE) / MULTIPLE CHOICE cloze
Task Type: Multiple-choice cloze.
Focus: Lexical-grammatical.
Format: A text in which there are some numbered gap, each of which represents a word or phrase. After the text there are
four possible answers for each gap and you have to choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Number of questions: 8.
How many marks are there: One mark for each correct answer.
What is testing:
- vocabulary
- phrases and collocations
- shades of meaning
- linking words
- phrasal verbs
General Advice:
- Read through the whole text as it may have an effect on the answer.
- Don't choose your answer before you have read all the options.
- Take a guess if necessary! You will not lose marks.
- Read through the text again.
cambridge english: certificate of proficiency exam (cpe)
practice tests
- Multiple Choice Cloze 1
- Multiple Choice Cloze 2
- Multiple Choice Cloze 3
- Multiple Choice Cloze 4
- Multiple Choice Cloze 5
- Multiple Choice Cloze 6
- Multiple Choice Cloze 7
- Multiple Choice Cloze 8
- Multiple Choice Cloze 9
- Multiple Choice Cloze 10
- Multiple Choice Cloze 11
- Multiple Choice Cloze 12
- Multiple Choice Cloze 13
- Multiple Choice Cloze 14
- Multiple Choice Cloze 15
- Multiple Choice Cloze 16
- Multiple Choice Cloze 17
- Multiple Choice Cloze 18
- Multiple Choice Cloze 19
- Multiple Choice Cloze 20