FCE Cambridge English / Word Formation

FCE Word Formation


  • Task Type:                    Word formation

  • Focus:                          Lexical-grammatical.


    • Format:                        A text containing 8 gaps. Each gap corresponds to a word. The stems
                                            of the missing words are given beside the text and must be changed
                                            to form the missing word. 

  • Number of questions: 8.

  • How many marks are there: One mark for each correct answer.

What is testing:

  • conversions from noun to adjective
  • conversions from verb to noun
  • conversions from adjective to adverb
  • conversions from verb to adjectives
  • conversions from a positive to negative form


General Advice

  1. Never leave the base word unchanged
  2. Look at each sentence and decide what kind of word is required
  3. Check the spelling carefully
  4. Tje words you need might have to change into a negative or plural
  • cambridge english first certificate (fce) test 
    Word Formation