the best way to Write the Perfect Crime Novel

Read the text and then select the correct answer.
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(0)   say     tell     speak     announce

Most people are born with the natural ability to [!tell/speak/announce/say] stories, but only a rare few have the determination to become professional authors, and even fewer have the joy of seeing their novels top the [list/queue/line/row] of bestselling books. Some of the world's famous crime writers have achieved the [greatest/largest/prime/highest] success of all. Who can deny the appeal of famous detectives like Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot? Even if you haven't read the [original/early/initial/first] books you will have seen them in films or on the TV.
If you have an ambition to become the next Agatha Christie what should you do? The best starting [point/tip/spot/mark] is to read lots of examples of crime fiction written by good authors. You will need a notebook to carry around with you or, even better, some loose [sheets/layers/strips/pieces] of paper that you can [make/do/complete/fill] notes on and then file into a folder. After all, the most everyday situation - for example, watching a woman get [off/down/out/from] a train - may be the inspiration for your first bestseller.
Like any good recipe you have to know the main [ingredients/parts/pieces/sections] of a successful novel. These are: an original story, strong characters and a memorable setting.
