Participles Exercise


Combine the following pairs of sentences by using participles




We met a boy. He was carrying a heavy bag.
[input correct="We met a boy carrying a heavy bag. "/]



The house was decorated with lights. It looked beautiful.
[input correct="Decorated with lights, the house looked beautiful. "/]



The robbers saw the policeman. They ran away.
[input correct="Seeing the policeman, the robbers ran away. "/]



I found the door open. I went inside
[input correct="Finding the door open, I went inside. "/]



We saw an empty boat. It was floating down the river.
[input correct="We saw an empty boat floating down the river. "/]



He cried at the top of his voice. He rushed at the thief.
[input correct="Crying at the top of his voice, he rushed at the thief. "/]



We had worked for several hours. We came out of the office.
[input correct="Having worked for several hours, we came out of the office. "/]



Our troops inflicted a damage on the enemy. It was heavy.
[input correct="Our troops inflicted a heavy damage on the enemy. "/]



His handwriting was illegible. I couldn’t figure out what he had written.
[input correct="His handwriting being illegible, I couldn’t figure out what he had written. "/]



We make important friendships in childhood. They last for a long time.
[input correct="Friendships made in childhood last for a long time. "/]



The sun had risen. We set out on our journey.
[input correct="The sun having risen, we set out on our journey. "/]



I walked along the road. I saw a snake.
[input correct="Walking along the road, I saw a snake. "/]



He lost all his money in gambling. He became a pauper.
[input correct="Having lost all his money in gambling, he became a pauper. "/]



I took a cue from his words. I solved the riddle.
[input correct="Taking a cue from his words, I solved the riddle. "/]



The burglars broke the door open. They entered the house.
[input correct="Breaking the door open, the burglars entered the house. "/]



He didn’t realize the implication of his words. He went on speaking.
[input correct="Not realizing the implication of his words, he went on speaking. "/]



The enemy forces had been defeated by our army. They retreated fast into their own territory.
[input correct="Having been defeated by our army, the enemy forces retreated fast into their territory. "/]



It was a fine day. Everybody was out on the roads.
[input correct=" It being a fine day, everybody was out on the roads. "/]









1. We met a boy carrying a heavy bag.
2. Decorated with lights, the house looked beautiful.
3. Seeing the policeman, the robbers ran away.
4. Finding the door open, I went inside.
5. We saw an empty boat floating down the river.
6. Crying at the top of his voice, he rushed at the thief.
7. Having worked for several hours, we came out of the office.
8. Our troops inflicted a heavy damage on the enemy.
9. His handwriting being illegible, I couldn’t figure out what he had written.
10. Friendships made in childhood last for a long time.
11. The sun having risen, we set out on our journey.
12. Walking along the road, I saw a snake.
13. Having lost all his money in gambling, he became a pauper.
14. Taking a cue from his words, I solved the riddle.
15. Breaking the door open, the burglars entered the house.
16. Not realizing the implication of his words, he went on speaking.
17. Having been defeated by our army, the enemy forces retreated fast into their territory.
18. It being a fine day, everybody was out on the roads.