KET Cambridge / key eglish test / Reading and Writing / Part 3 / Conversation

Complete the conversation Joanna has with her coach. What does she say to the coach?
For question 1 - 5, choose the correct letter (A - H).












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- Joanna: Hi Coach!

- Coach: Hi. I want you to play in the next netball game. OK?

- Joanna:  ...........

- Coach: Your blue one.



[*]) No problem! What colour T-shirt should I wear?





- Joanna:  ...........

- Coach: Mmm... it's the Friday after that, actually... the 18th of October.



[*]) All right. Is that on October the 11th?





- Joanna:  ...........

- Coach: Elstow School. We've never played them before.



[*]) I'll put it in my pad. Who are we playing against?





- Joanna:  ...........

- Coach: E-L-S-T-O-W. I think they are quite good.






[*]) How do you spell that?





- Joanna:  ...........



[*]) So are we.







[*]) How are you getting on?







[*]) Are we going to stay there long?







[*]) What time will the game start?


