KET Cambridge / key eglish test / Reading and Writing / Part 5 / Multiple Choice cloze

Read the article about dogs.
Choose the best word for each space.


Miss Daisy - the Yorkie

Daisy is a Teacup Yorkie. She has her hair combed twice a day and she ... [go/*goes/going]  to the dog's hairdresser every month. She wears ribbons and a woollen sweater ... [*on/in/at]  cold days. She gets bits of quality fillet steak and a bowl of milk twice ... [*a/the/an]  day. If she shows any sign of a cold or fever, she is immediately taken to a vet. She always takes part in ... [each/every/*all]  family celebrations: she sits in her mistress' lap and is fed with a spoon. She is loved, adored and pampered. An average of £300 is spent on her every month.

Some animal lovers go as far as burying their pets in animal cemeteries. [It/*They/She] ... buy them jewellery and treat them as their own children, if not better. At the same time there are thousands of animals ... [why/where/*that]  have nothing to eat and nowhere to go. Very often ... [*these/this/that]  animals have once also had their own homes and masters, ... [*but/if/so]  they were thrown away.








1.    GOES => We use the present simple to talk about things which are repeated 'every day, every week, every year, etc.'

2.    ON => We use 'on' for specific days and dates.

3.    A => used before consonant sounds when talking about prices, quantities and rates.

4.    ALL => used with plural nouns meaning 'the whole number of'.

5.    THEY => people, animals or things that have already been mentioned.

6.    THAT => used after some verbs, adjectives and nouns to introduce a new part of the sentence.

7.    THESE => is used with plural nouns.

8.    BUT => used to join two sentences.