KET Cambridge / key eglish test / Reading and Writing / Part 5 / Multiple Choice cloze

Read the article about English pubs.
Choose the best word for each space.


The Great English Pub

Whenever you find yourself ... [*in/on/at]  England there will be a pub nearby. Some will be old-style, with indoor games of darts and dark wooden beams – just the right place for a pint of beer with fish and chips. [Another/Others/*Other] ... pubs are ... [*more/most/as]  modern and also offer great British food at reasonable prices.

Pubs are open every day from 11.00 a.m. You can buy alcoholic drinks or soft ...  [one/some/*ones] . Most pubs also serve coffee ... [so/*or/but]  tea, too. To enter a pub you ... [have/*must/need]  be over fourteen and to buy any alcoholic drinks – eighteen or older. Pubs are good places for socialising. Some people can spend hours over ... [they/them/*their]  ginger ale or beer, talking ... [to/for/over]  friends or complete strangers.








1.    IN => used with countries, continents, cities

2.    OTHER => (BEFORE PLURAL NOUNS) used to refer to people or things that are additional or different to people or things

3.    MORE => used as the comparative of 'much', 'a lot of', 'many' - larger number or amount of

4.    ONES => (PLURAL) used to avoid repeating a noun

5.    OR => used to introduce another possibility

6.    MUST => used to say that something is necessary or very important

7.    THEIR => used as a possessive determiner (followed by a noun)

8.    TO => 'talk' is followed by 'to' or 'with'