Business English Certificate (BEC) Higher Level C1 / Reading / Part 5

Part 5
Questions 31 - 40

Read the article below about working abroad.
For each question 31 - 40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

There is an example at the beginning.

An increasing number of people are finding (0)  IT  necessary to spend at least part of their working life abroad. An international career used to be something people opted into from choice, but (1/31) … many it has now become a requirement of staying in work. You do not have to be working in a huge multi-national corporation to find (2/32) … being asked to work abroad. Companies that not so (3/33) … years ago reserved foreign travel for directors, are now sending middle managers and even new recruits on projects overseas.

The characteristics of international travel will vary widely. For some people it will mean that they will occasionally have to spend a (4/34) … days in a foreign city, while for others it will mean that they will constantly be moving from (5/35) … country to another until they eventually lose touch with (6/36) … original national identity.

The growing demand for people with the skills and experience to work in cross-national contexts places a premium on those who have developed the skills to enable them to rise to that challenge. (7/37) … is needed is flexibility and adaptability, both of (8/38) … arise from a state of mind rather than from innate ability. Team working skills are also important and (9/39) … is the ability to communicate effectively, especially (10/40) … long distances, via new communications technologies, such as videoconferencing and teleconferencing.

An international career requires a variety of skills. The time to begin preparing for such a career is now

[start-answers-block type=1 columns=2 textTransform=none]


[answer="YOURSELF"] [answer="MANY"] ! [answer="FEW"][answer="ONE"][answer="THEIR"][answer="WHAT"]

[answer="WHICH"] [answer="SO"] [answer="OVER#ACROSS"]







(1) 31.    FOR / WITH

(2) 32.    YOURSELF

(3) 33.    MANY

(4) 34.    FEW

(5) 35.    ONE

(6) 36.    THEIR

(7) 37.    WHAT

(8) 38.    WHICH

(9) 39.    SO

(10) 40.    OVER / ACROSS