IELTS / International English Language Testing / Speaking / Test 1


IELTS Speaking module
(11-14 minutes)



The speaking test lasts for 11-14 minutes, and it consists of three parts:
    -    Part 1 takes the form of a dialogue with the examiner, who asks questions about you, your life, and things you are familiar with. It lasts for four to five minutes.
    -    Part 2 is a short presentation given by you about a general topic that the examiner chooses. You can decide the specific topic yourself. The topic is connected to your own life and experiences.
You have up to one minute to prepare your presentation, and you can speak for up to two minutes. There is a clock on the table, and the examiner reminds you of the timing if necessary.
    -    Part 3 takes the form of a dialogue with the examiner. He/she asks you about your views on impersonal subjects which are loosely connected to the topic of your presentation. This lasts between four and five minutes.
        In Part 2, you will be given a candidate card.


    -    In Part 1, the questions which the examiner asks you are usually factual, and quite simple, such as 'When ...?', 'Who ...?', 'How often...?', or 'What kind of ...?'
    -    The topic of your presentation is outlined in the first line of the candidate card. It starts with 'Describe ...'.
    -    You may be asked about something that happened in the past, or someone you know, or something you would like to do in the future.
    -    Three separate bullet points tell you what to include in your presentation, and a fourth line tells you to explain something in more detail, such as your feelings, or the reason for something.
    -    In Part 3, the questions that the examiner asks you are more complex, and involve lengthier responses. You may be asked 'What is your opinion about...?'; 'To what extent do you think ...?'; 'How important is it to ...?'; compared to 'What do you think ...?'; or 'What might the reason be for...?'

Part 1

Answer the questions
Tip strip

Your country ...
    -    Question 1     Remember that 'What's the... like?' means 'Describe'.
    -    Questions 2-3     Give a reason for your answer.

Your family ...
    -    Question 4     Don't spend a long time deciding who to talk about.


Tell me about your country.

What’s the weather like in your country?
Which time of year do you think is best in your country? Why?
Have you visited many different parts of your country? Why/Why not?

Now let’s talk about your family.

Do you share a house with any of your family? Who?
Do most people in your family live in the same town or village?
When did you last have a family party?
Which person in your family are you most similar to? How?



Part 2

You have one minute to make notes on the following topic. Then you have up to two minutes to talk about it.
Tip strip

    -    Choose a place that you can talk about easily.
    -    It is all right to spend more time on one bullet than on others.
    -    Don't forget to include the last line ('and explain...') in your presentation.

Describe a place in another part of the world that you would love to visit in the future.

You should say:
    -    what you know about the place
    -    how you know about it
    -    how you would go there
          and explain why you would love to visit that place.


        Who would you go to that place with?
        Do you enjoy travelling generally?


Part 3

Consider these questions and then answer them.
Tip strip

TV programmes ...
    -    If you don't understand the question, ask the examiner to repeat or explain it.

Other countries ...
    -    Listen carefully to what the examiner says he/ she wants to talk about.

    -    Question 2     It doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with this opinion, but give as many reasons and examples as you can.

The tourism industry ...
    -    Question 1     If you don't know the answer, you can guess. If you don't want to guess, tell the examiner that you don't know much about this subject.
    -    Question 2     Ask for help if there's a word you don't understand.

Let’s go on to discuss TV programmes about other places.

What kinds of TV programme about different places are most popular in your country?
Can people learn more about geography from TV than they can from books? Why/Why not?
Do you think TV programmes about different places encourage people to travel themselves? Why/Why not?

Now let’s talk about visiting other countries.

For what reasons do you think international travel has increased in recent years?
Some people say it’s important for people to find out about another country before they visit it. Do you agree?
How useful is it for people to understand the language of the countries they visit? Why?

Now let’s consider the tourism industry.

Does tourism play a big part in the economy of your country? How?
What kinds of unpredictable factors can have a negative effect on the tourism industry?
In the future, what kinds of development might there be in the tourism industry?
And finally...

Feeling worried about the IELTS Speaking test and unsure of how to achieve the best score? Many candidates feel this way...

I will help you prepare for the test so you know what kind of questions you will get asked and what is the best way to answer them!

Just call me at 7 921 992 4690 or contact via email :