страдательный залог /
passive voice

Заполните пропуски, поставьте глагол в форму действительного или страдательного залога

1.    At the station they  [will be met]  (to meet)  by somebody from the travel bureau.

2.    She will  [meet]  (to meet)  them in the hall  upstairs.

3.    The bellboy will  [take]  (to take)  your luggage to your room.

4.    Your luggage will  [be taken]  (to take)  to your room shortly.

5.    You  may [leave]  (to leave)  your hat and coat in the cloakroom downstairs.

6.    The room key can  [be left]  (to leave)  at the reception desk. .

7.    From the station they will  [be taken]  (to take)  straight to the resort.

8.    Tomorrow he will  [show]  (to show)  them the Russian Museum.

9.    The books must  [be returned]  (to return)  to the library immediately.

10.    I can easily  [forgive]  (to forgive)  you for making this mistake.

11.    Such mistake can not  [be forgotten]  (to forget)  soon.

12.    These letters should  [be mailed]  (to mail)  at once.

13.    You can  [find]  (to find)  these berries everywhere.

14.    This job  [was done]  (to do)  very carefully last month.

15.    My sister  [was checked]  (to check)  in hospital a few days ago.

16.    You must  [wash]  (to wash)  your hands before eating.

17.    Children must  [be given]  (to give)  fruit regularly.

18.    The dog can  [be fed]  (to feed)  with meat and vegetables.

19.    How can you  [translate]  (to translate)  this word?

20.    How can this word  [be translated]  (to translate) ?.