Stative Verbs and Active Verbs in English Language (Глаголы состояния и действия в Английском языке)


1. My husband [is always tasting/always tastes] (always/taste) the food while I'm cooking! It's very annoying.

2. She [has/is having] (have) a bath every evening.

3. John [is seeing/sees] (see) the doctor now.

4. They [are having/have] (have) a meeting next Monday.

5. This food [doesn't taste/isn't tasting] (not/taste) right.

6. We [are seeing/see] (see) John and Susie next month.

7. What [do you think/are you thinking] (you/think) about the war?

8. She [has/is having] (have) a headache.

9. It [is/is being] (be) cold today.

10. They [don't have/aren't having] (not/have) a car.

11. I [don't see/am not seeing] (not/see) anything, I can't work the telescope?

12. The sommelier [is tasting/tastes] (taste) the wine now.

13. Cathy [isn't/isn't being] (not/be) a doctor.

14. [Do you want/are you wanting] (want) a sandwich?

15. I [am having/have] (have) fun today.

16. Elizabeth [is thinking/thinks] (think) too much about her ex-boyfriend.

17. The Smiths often [see/are seeing] (see) a film on Fridays.

18. This hamburger [tastes/is tasting] (taste) funny.

19. [Are you having/Do you have] (have) a good time at the moment?

20. The chef always [tastes/is tasting] (taste) the food before he serves it.