Stative Verbs and Active Verbs in English Language (Глаголы состояния и действия в Английском языке)


1. Jessica [believes/is believing] (believe) every word her boyfriend is telling her.

2. He [understands/is understanding] (understand) Italian.

3. I [wish/am wishing] (wish) we could go home now.

4. Right now you [aren't listening/don't listen] (not listen) to music.

5. Maggie [hates/is hating] (hate) bugs.

6. We [don't agree/aren't agreeing] (not agree) on this one.

7. I [dislike/am disliking] (dislike) eating fish.

8. Monkeys [like/are liking] (like) bananas.

9. These monkeys [are eating/eat] (eat) bananas now.

10. This diet [consists/is consisting] (consist) of mainly fruit and vegetables.

11. [Do you recognize/Are you recognizing] (recognize) this painting now?

12. He [appears/is appearing] (appear) a bit snobbish.

13. She [isn't washing/doesn't wash] (not wash) the dishes now.

14. [Does it really matter/Is it really mattering] (matter) now?

15. Right now it [seems/is seeming] (seem) cold outside.

16. I [suppose/am supposing] (suppose) we could do that, too.

17. Janet [doesn't realize/isn't realizing] (not realize) how much Mark loves her.

18. [Does/Is] this dog [belong/belonging] (belong) to you?

19. It [is raining/rains] (rain) right now.

20. I [don't know/am not knowing] (not know) the right answer right now.