Present Simple and Present Continuous для обозначения будущего в Английском языке

The present simple or the present continuous? Choose the correct form. 

1.    Mark and Eva [are leaving/leave] tomorrow morning. (leave)

2.    Look, the concert [begins/is beginning] at 6 o'clock. (begin)

3.    [Are you doing/Do you do] anything tonight? (do)

4.    Excuse me, what time [does the plane land/is the plane landing]? (plane lands)

5.    I [am seeing/see] my doctor this afternoon. (see)

6.    Where [are you going/do you go] on your holiday next summer? (go)

7.    The train [doesn't leave/is not leaving] at 10.15. It [arrives/is arriving] at 10.15. (leave, arrive)

8.    [Are you giving/Do you give] Samantha anything for her birthday this year? (give)

9.    This winter term classes [end/are ending] on 8 March. (end)