Sleeping Time


Сон является жизненно важным показателем общего состояния здоровья и благополучия. Мы тратим до одной трети нашей жизни на сон, и общее состояние нашего «здоровья сна» остается важным вопросом на протяжении всей нашей жизни. Поговорим сегодня об этом...


It is commonly believed that everybody should get at least eight hours of sleep a day. But a lot of people try to get by on less, thinking that sleeping is just a waste of their time' Even some experts claim that it is the quality of sleep that counts rather than the quantity, and that we could live healthy lives with only three or four hours of good sleep. To them, "good sleep" is charactetized by REM (Rapid-Eye Movement). It is during this phase of sleep that we dream.

Dreams and their interpretation are other interesting phenomena associated with sleeping. Throughout history seers have tried to use lhem as a guide to the future. Today, psychologists are apt to see them as the acting out of the anxieties and fantasies we cannot express during our waking hours. For Sigmund Freud, they were symbolic expressions of our sexual desires.    



seer     провидец
acting out : performing, behaving as though in a real situation but not actually doing the action 



1. How many hours of sleep do we need every day?
2. When do we dream?
3. What purposes do dreams serve in human culture? 


l. How many hours do you sleep?
2. Do you feel okay with three or four hours' sleep?
3. lf your spouse were snoring, what would you do?
4. Do you need an alarm clock to get up in the morning?
5. Do you like to sleep in a bed or on the floor?
6. Do you think your dreams have anything significant to tell you?
7. How often, and when, do you dream?
8. Do you try to interpret what your dreams mean?
9. Do you believe that you would be lucky if you saw a pig in your dreams? If so, would you buy a lottery ticket?
10. Do you enjoy a nap during the day time?
11. Do you think sleep helps relieve your srress?
12. Do you think it's okay ro work at night? 


nap : a brief sleep, usually during the day 



1. Whenever I have a dream I try to interpret it in a Freudian manner. Most of my dreams relate to my everyday life, so understanding them helps me know more about myself. Since Freud was a pioneering genius in the fieid of psychology any interpretation based on his ideas must be accurate.

2. Three or four hours' sleep! Doing that might save time, but I don't think most peopie could operate very effectively that way. I have tried to get by with less sleep, many times, but I always felt tired and irritable, and would have to take a nap at work just to get me through the day So now I make it a rule to get at least six hours of sleep, no matter what, and most nights I get seven or eight. So these days I feel refreshed and energetic, and I get a lot more done. 


in a Freudian manner : by Sigmund Freud's doctrines
pioneering :   being the earliest in a field or study, activity, etc .
make it a rule : always try 



1. When te alarm clock rings, the best part of the day is over.

2. lf you want your dream to come true, don't oversleep. 

3. Do you realize how many mistakes you'd make if you didn,t sleep away a third of your day?

4. The best bridge berween despair and hope is a good nights sleep.

5. If you sleep in a chair you have nothing to lose, but a nap at the wheel is often a permanent snooze.

6. Most of us spend a lifetime going to sleep when we're not sleepy, and getting up when we are.

7. If you want your wife to listen to what you say, talk in your sleep.

8. A real surprise is when the college boy comes home and discovers people sleep at night rather than in the daytime.

9. Its extremely difficult for a babysitter to wake up five or ten minutes before the parents return home.

l0. Boasting and sleeping are the forerunners of failure 


forerunner      предвестник
snooze    вздремнуть