Past Perfect or Past Simple 


01.    As the fire [broke out/had broken out], people [hurried/had hurried] out of their house.

02.    We [had put out/put out] the fire ourselves by the time the fire brigade arrived.

03    I [met/had met] him yesterday.

04.     I [recognized/had recognized] him immediately as I [had seen/saw] him before.

05.    I [didn't speak/hadn't spoken] to him, as I [hadn't been/wasn't] introduced to him.

06.    Long before the boss [arrived/had arrived], the employees [had assembled/assembled].

07.    The wind [blew/had blown] away the leaves that we [had collected/collected].

08.    She [threw/had thrown] away the letter that she [had written/wrote].

09.    They [showed/had shown] me the pictures, they [had taken/took] during their holidays.

10.    In the evening, the children [told/had told] their daddy what they [had seen/saw] at the zoo.

11.    The boy [was/had been] very sorry for what he [had done/did].

12.    My brother [ate/had eaten] up all the biscuits we [had baked/baked].

13.    The teacher [corrected/had corrected] the tests we [had written/wrote].

14.    I [gave/had given] them some of the food I [had bought/bought].

15.    My sister [didn't see/hadn't seen] the note that I [had left/left] on the kitchen top for her.

16.    We [wanted/had wanted] to watch a film because we [hadn't seen/didn't see] it before.

17.     When Jefferson [went out/had gone out] with his buddies, he [had already done/already did] his homework.

18.    Penny [came/had come] home, [sat/had sat] down and [switched/had switched] on the telly.

19.    Before that day in winter, the African boy [hadn't seen/didn't see] snow in his life.

20.    She [gave/had given] me the book that I [had read/read] before.

21.    We [visited/had visited] the museum that our friend [had told/told] us about earlier.