english collocations /

My best friend Lisa is absolutely gorgeous (extremely beautiful). She has long, sleek, jet-black hair (sleek = smooth and straight, jet-black = perfectly black), pale blue eyes (pale = light color), and a radiant complexion (skin that appears healthy and full of energy).

People always compliment her on her hourglass figure (when a woman has large breasts and hips, but a small waist) and ask her what the secret is to maintaining such a slender waist (a thin waist). She has a round face with an upturned nose, and she actually bears a striking resemblance (looks extremely similar) to a famous movie star.

Joanna could get any guy she wanted – so I was really surprised when she introduced me to her latest boyfriend, who I think is hideously ugly (extremely unattractive). He has curly, shoulder-length hair that looks rather unkempt (unkempt hair = messy hair, it appears that the person doesn’t take care of their hair).

He has a square face and a ruddy complexion (reddish skin). His deep-set eyes (eyes that are far back in the person’s face) are almost hidden under his bushy eyebrows (big eyebrows with lots of hair), and he sports a thick mustache and a huge, shaggy beard (a beard with lots of hair). I guess Joanna doesn’t mind his facial hair (facial hair = beard and/or mustache).

His body isn’t bad – he has an athletic build (body with a lot of muscles), with broad shoulders (wide shoulders) and muscular arms. If he would only trim his beard (cut his beard a little shorter) and comb his hair, I suppose he could be considered somewhat attractive (more or less beautiful/handsome). 


collocation Quiz 

Choose the correct word (A, B, C or D) to form the proper english collocation for each space


  1. This moisturizer will give you a [radiant / slender / striking / trim ]... complexion. 

  2. She has a [slender / striking / trim / little ]... waist and wide hips.  

  3. He bears a [striking / trim / facial / medium ]... resemblance to a good friend of mine. 

  4. I've never liked my [curly / deep-set / facial / medium ]... hair; I wish it was straight. 

  5. His [deep-set / facial / medium / muscular ]... eyes make him look very pensive. 

  6. Tina  likes men with [facial / medium / trim / slender]... hair - she thinks it's very attractive. 

  7. Would you please [comb / trim / cut / set ]... your hair? It looks like you've just gotten out of bed. 

  8. I’m not changing my hairstyle – I’m just getting a [ trim / facial / medium / radiant ]... .

  9. He has a [medium / radiant / slender / striking ]... build - he's not particularly strong, but not especially skinny either. 

  10. My soccer coach has very [muscular / deep-set / radiant / slender ]... legs. 
