Употребление " I wish" в Английском языке

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  1. [first="" word="" beginning="A: I wish Paul " answer="would tell#'d tell" ending=" me what is wrong with him. ( TELL ) B: Yes. He seems very upset, doesn't he?"]
  2. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: I wish I " answer="had not shouted#hadn't shouted" ending=" at the children like that. ( NOT SHOUT ) B: Why? They were being very naughty. "]
  3. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: I wish you " answer="would tidy#'d tidy" ending=" your room more often. ( TIDY ) B: Sorry. I'll try to. "]
  4. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: I wish I " answer="had practised#'d practised" ending=" harder before the concert. ( PRACTISE ) B: I thought you performed very well."]
  5. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: If only Stuart " answer="called" ending=" me. ( CALL ) B: Don't worry. I'm sure he'll phone soon."]
  6. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: I wish I " answer="was#were" ending=" back at school again. ( BE ) B: Those were great days, weren't they?"]
  7. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: I wish Mark " answer="would stop#'d stop" ending=" playing his music so loudly. ( STOP ) B: Why don't you ask him to turn it down? "]
  8. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: If only I " answer="had bought#'d bought" ending=" those shoes we saw yesterday. ( BUY ) B: Why not go back and buy them tomorrow?"]
  9. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: I wish you " answer="tried#would try" ending=" harder with your Maths homework. ( TRY ) B: Sorry. I find it very difficult. "]
  10. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: If only we " answer="had gone#'d gone" ending=" to France last summer. ( GO ) B: We could go this year if you like. "]
  11. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: If only it " answer="stopped#would stop" ending=" raining. ( STOP ) B: Yes. Then we could go for a walk. "]
  12. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: Are you going to Joanne's party on Saturday? B: No. I wish I " answer="went#were going#could go" ending=" because I'm sure it will be fun. (GO) "]
  13. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: I wish you " answer="would help " ending=" with the housework more often. ( HELP ) B: What would you like me to do? "]
  14. [first=" " word="" beginning="A: I'm bored. I wish I " answer="had arranged " ending=" to go out this evening. ( ARRANGE ) B: I'm going to the cinema. Why don't you come, too?"]





