zero / First / second / third / mixed conditionals

Make the first, second, third, zero or mixed conditional

  1. If I   [am/will be/*were/had been/would be/would have been]  stronger, I'd certainly help you carry the sofa.
  2. If we'd seen you, we   [stop/will stop/stopped/had stopped/would stop/*would have stopped].
  3. If you   [*meet/will meet/met/had met/would meet/would have met]   him tomorrow, please say Hello.
  4. He would have repaired the car himself if he   [has/will have/had/*had had/would have/would have had] the tools.
  5. If you drop a glass vase from the hight, it   [*breaks/will break/broke/had broken/would break/would have broken].
  6. If Devon hadn't diligently studied for her maths exam, she   [do not pass/will not pass/did not pass/had not passed/would not pass/*would not have passed]  it.
  7. If you   [*heat/will heat/heated/would heat/had heated/would have heated]  water to 100 degrees Celcius, it   [boiled/*boils/will boil/would boil/had boiled].
  8. If you   [*had told/told/tell/will tell/would tell/would have told]  me about the problem earlier, I   [*would be able/will be able/had been able/would have been able/was able]  to help you now.
  9. I wouldn't go to school by bus if I   [have/will have/*had/had had/would have/would have had]   a driving license.
  10. If she   [doesn't see/won't see/hadn't seen/*didn't see/wouldn't see/wouldn't have seen]   him every day, she'd be lovesick.
  11. I   [don't travel/*won't travel/didn't travel/hadn't travelled/wouldn't travel/wouldn't have travelled]   to New York if I don't get a cheap plane ticket.
  12. We'd be stupid if we   [tell/will tell/*told/had told/would tell/would have told]   him about our secret.
  13. If you   [*go/will go/went/would go/had gone/would have gone]  out with your friends tonight, I   [*will watch/watched/would watch/would have watched/watch]  the football game on TV.
  14. I   [buy/will buy/*would buy/bought/had bought/would have bought]  these shoes if they fit.  Unfortunately, they don't.
  15. If we   [listen/listened/will listen/would have listened/*had listened/would listen]  to the radio yesterday, we   [will hear/heard/would hear/*would have heard/hear/had heard]  the news.
  16. It   [*wouldn't surprise/won't surprise/didn't surprise/hadn't surprised]  me if he   [*didn't know/doesn't know/won't know/hadn't known/wouldn't have known]  the answer to this question. He hasn't studied for the test.
  17. She   [will come/would come/came/come/*would have come/had come]  to our party last Saturday if she   [wasn't/*hadn't been/isn't/wouldn't be/won't be]  away on a trip that time.
  18. If you   [*put/will put/would put/had put]  the opposite poles of two magnets together, they   [*attract/attracted/will attract/would attract/had attracted].
  19. If they   [*have/had/had had/will have/would have]  extra money at the end of the month, they   [*put/had put/will put/would put]  it in a special account. They always do that.
  20. If you   [*had had/had/will have'would have/would have had]  too much to drink yesterday, you   [*would have/would have had/had/had had/will have]  a headache today. Luckily for you, you went easy on that martini shots.