Modal Verbs / модальные глаголы

read the sentences and choose the correct words

1.    He [*can't be/can't have been/mustn't be/shouldn't be]  French. His French is terrible.

2.    The kids are calm today. They [must have been/had to be/*must be/need to be]  tired.

3.    Although Kathy was very hungry, she didn't eat very much. She [*couldn't have liked/could have liked/can't like/mustn't like]  the food.

4.    The phone is ringing. It [*must be/had to be/must have been]  Mary. She promised she would call.

5.    John had a terrible accident. He [*had to/must] stop when the traffic lights were red.

6.    I don't understand why she got so many bad grades. She [may be/might be/*might have been]  lazy studying.

7.    I didn't know you needed help. You [should tell/*should have told/had to tell]  me.

8.    I am so tired. I need some rest. I think I [*should take/should have taken]  a week off.

9.    He [could have run/can run/*could run]  so fast when he was young.

10.    Betty [*can't have gone/mustn't go/can't go/shouldn't go]  on holidy. I have just met her in the street.