Modal Verbs / модальные глаголы

Read the conversation and choose the correct modal verbs

  • Martha and Philip were walking down the street when Martha stopped.
  • Martha: Philip, Look! [*Can/Will/Should/Might/May]  you see that lady on the other side of the street?
  • Philip: Yes, I [*can/must/should/need/may] … There [*must/can/will/should]  be something special about her if you ask…
  • Martha: Yes, there is! She looks just like my boss. It [*might/should/can/will]  be her. [*Should/Can/Will/Need/Must]  I go and talk with her?
  • Philip: [*Would/Can/Must/Will/Need]  you like to go and talk with her?
  • Martha: I [*must/can/will/need to]  say that the answer is "no."
  • Philip: Well, then…
  • Martha: No, Philip, wait! It [*may/should/will/need to]  be her, and she [*might/can/must/would/has to]  notice me and think bad things about me.
  • Philip: Why [*would/will/can/must]  she think bad things about you?
  • Martha: She [*might/will/would/must/has to/can]  think I'm impolite.
  • Philip: If you are so worried about it, then just go and talk with her. You [*can/must/have to/will/would]  introduce us.
  • Martha: I [*will/can/must/need]  not talk with her. I don't like her.
  • Philip: Ok, so [*can/must/would/need/will]  we just go? It [*should/can/may/might]  be eight o'clock by now. We [*may/must/have to/would]  miss the movie if we don't go now.
  • Martha and Philip continue walking, but Martha is troubled, "Is it really her? Who [*could/must/will/would/needs]  she be?"