задание 2 IELTS Writing / May 2018 IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Essay


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IELTS Essay Question May 2018

Caring for children is very important for our society. Therefore all mothers and fathers should take a childcare training course. To what extent you agree or disagree?

IELTS Model Essay 2018

It is thought that all parents should attend a childcare training course in order to properly understand how to bring up their children. In my opinion, while I agree that parents should learn about childcare, it is not realistic to have mandatory childcare training courses for all parents.

Firstly, it is certainly essential that parents learn the basics of childcare, particularly in the early months and years when they first have a child. Understanding a baby’s needs and the possible medical problems that can arise is essential for the baby’s safety. Without such knowledge they could easily put their baby at risk or not be ready to respond to critical situations in the right way.

However, although childcare is important, it would be practically impossible to have obligatory childcare training courses for all parents due to the large number of new parents each year. For example, there are over half a million children born annually in the UK at present which means that over 750,000 parents would have to attend a childcare training course each year. Both the large scale and cost of such a training course makes this option very difficult to implement.

Finally, a more practical solution to teaching parents, therefore, would be to provide easily accessible information on a website with a free online video training course. This would ensure all parents have access to the necessary information at a fraction of the cost. This would also allow parents to decide which information is useful and still bring up their children according to their own culture or religion.

In conclusion, it is best to provide a free video training course and website which is cheap to make and accessible to all parents rather than a training course which parents need to attend in person.


IELTS Essay Question May 2018 (GT)

Some people believe that travelling within a city is better by car while some other think bicycle is a better means. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

IELTS Model Answer May 2018 (GT)

People hold different opinions about whether a car or a bicycle is the best form of transport in a city. I believe within the city centre a bicycle is best, but a car is better if someone must travel further.

On the one hand, it is commonly thought that a car is the best option for transport in a city as it offers great comfort in terms of seating, air conditioning and other features. A further reason for people preferring cars is that they can easily transport a number of people at the same time and is especially safe for children. Cars are, moreover, time effective. being able to cover long distances in less time.

On the other hand, bicycles are healthier options for getting around a city centre according to some. The majority of people lead a sedentary life style with little or no exercise which can cause serious health problems. This is often due to the lack of time available in their daily routine for exercise. By using a bicycle to travel, people will get the necessary physical activities without any inconvenience.

Finally, in my opinion, bicycles are certainly an asset in a city centre where traffic jams are frequent. They can pass through congestion with minimal effort and offer health benefits. However, if a person lives in the suburbs, the most logical option would be a car for travelling longer distances into the city centre, particularly with more than one person to transport.

In conclusion, both bicycles and cars offer advantages depending on whether the travel is only with the city centre or outside the centre. However, for families travelling together, a car will always be the best option.


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Это означает, что вы должны стремиться к качеству, а не к количеству. В IELTS Writing Task 2 большинство студентов будут стремиться уложиться в объем от 270 до 290 слов.