Infinitives and Gerunds / инфинитив и герундий в английском языке


read the sentences and choose the correct form


1.    Do you mind [I sit/*my sitting/my siting/I sitting]  here?

2.    He never stopped [to work/to be working/*working/to have worked] until the last minute of his life.

3.    I can hardly imagine Mike [sail/to sail/*sailing/sailling]  across the Atlantic Ocean all by himself.

4.    I would appreciate [you to call/you call/you'are calling/your calling]  back this afternoon.

5.    I regret [*to tell/telling/tell/having told]  you that you are not selected for the interview.

6.    Try [getting/*to get/get/got]  there as fast as you can.

7.    No one enjoys [to be made fun of/making fun of/*being made fun of/to make fun of]  in public.

8.    If you keep [to practice/*practicing/practice/having practiced]  English, your language skills will improve.

9.    I'm looking forward to [*seeing/see/to be seeing/to have seen]  you.

10.    They can never escape [to be punished/punishing/to punish/*being punished] .

11.    My grandfather is used to [get up/*getting up/have got up/got up]  early.

12.    Don't you remember [to see him/saw him/to have seen him/*seeing him]  before?

13.    He objected to [leave/be left/*leaving/to be leaving]  early.

14.    I don't feel like [*going/to go/go/to be going]  out for a walk.

15.    Would you mind [to close/close/*closing/to be closing]  the window?

16.    He has given up [smoke/to smoke/*smoking/being smoked] .

17.    People couldn't help [to laugh at/laugh at/*laughing at/laughing on]  the funny man.

18.    His mother insisted on [he to go to/his going/he go to/*his going to]  college.

19.    This sentence needs [to improve/*improving/inprove/being improved] .

20.    The bees are busy [*gathering/to gather/to gathering/with gather]  pollen.