had better / would rather

Choose the correct form
  1. They  ['d better/'d better not/would rather not]  keep off the edge, or they will fall.
  2. I wanted to go on, but my couch told me  [I'd better not because I looked very tired/I would rather be better/I would rather be better] .
  3. What  [had you better do/*would you rather do/did he do better]  - have some coffee now or wait until lunch ?
  4. Don't push me.  [We'd better do/*I'd rather do/I'd rather do]  one thing well, than many wrong.
  5. I don't like them at all. I'd rather  [you not go/you don't go/*you didn't go]  with them.
  6. I think you'd better  [not go out/go not out/not to go out]  in this weather. You will catch a cold.
  7. Really, I'd rather  [you didn't tell/not tell you/not have told you]  what I think about his last novel.
  8. I'd rather sleep for a while  [before than/*than/that]  keep on working like this without stopping.
  9. Who  [had better/*would rather/would you rather]  go to the cinema instead of doing the skating ?
  10. The teacher said we   [had better/hadn't better/hadn't rather]  learn the Present first and then go on to the Past.
  11. [I'd better/I'd rather/I rather]  go by train - it's more comfortable than the coach.
  12. "Can I open the window?" - ["I'd better you didn't."/*"I'd rather you didn't."/"You'd better didn't."]
  13. [You'd better/You'd rather/You better]  not do it again or you'll be in real trouble.
  14. [I'd better/*I'd rather/I rather]  you didn't do that.
  15. [I’d better/I'd rather/I rather]  be ready on time or the boss will go mad.
  16. [You'd better/You'd rather/You better]  get your vaccinations if you're going to Africa.
  17. [We'd better/We'd rather/We rather]  get going or we'll miss the last train.
  18. [I'd better/*I'd rather/I better]  not work with him if you don't mind - we don't get on that well.
  19. This is a disgrace - [you'd better/you'd rather/you better]  sort it out and quickly!
  20. The doctor said that [I'd better/I'd rather/I rather]  cut down on sugar to reduce my weight.