МГИМО Английский язык

I. выберите слово, наиболее точно подходящее по смыслу


1.    You’ll be all right ... [once/as soon/the time/so long]  you’ve had something to eat.

2.    The female birds eat very little food ... [compared to/comparing to/comparing with/comparing]  the males.

3.    After five weeks, both parties in the strike agreed that it should be settled by ... [arbitration/ballot/adjudication/tribunal] .

4.    It ... [invariably/continually/typically/infallibly]  rains whenever I go out without my umbrella.

5.    Everyone ... [roared/called/burst/giggled]  with laughter when I fell over the dog.

6.    The secretary read out the ... [minutes/protocol/formulas/records]  of the last meeting.

7.    We were just about to give your seat to someone else: you got here in the ... [nick/second/split/point]  of time.

8.    Don’t waste your time telling Janet a joke; she’s totally ... [devoid/missing/deficient/lacking]  of a sense of humour.

9.    After travelling all day, he was completely ... [done in/done up/broken down/used up] .

10.    In the future we will need to use ... [renewable/recycled/reinvented/reusable]  energy sources such as solar power.