Position of adverbs and adverb phrases / местоположение Наречия в Английском предложении

Choose the correct option to complete the following sentences.

1.    She liked  [a lot the concert last night/last night the concert a lot/*the concert a lot last night] .

2.    [You can obviously be never/Obviously, you can be never/*Obviously, you can never be]  sure of what will happen.

3.    Please,  [tomorrow drive carefully your car/*drive your car carefully tomorrow/drive carefully your car tomorrow] .

4.    Our team  [*are playing badly and will probably/are badly playing and probably will/are badly playing and will probably]  loose.

5.    We were playing  [in our room quietly all night/*quietly in our room all night/all night quietly in our room] .

6.    [Quickly they were sent usually/*Usually they were quickly sent/They usually we sent quickly]  to their rooms if they misbehaved.

7.    A: 'Does she behave well?'    B: ' [Often she badly behaves honestly/Honestly, often she behaves badly/*Honestly, she often behaves badly] '.

8.    Thousands of people  [are imprisoned wrongly every year in the US/*are wrongly imprisoned in the US every year/are imprisoned wrongly in the US every year] .

9.    Maria Butina  [*almost died in prison last year/almost died last year in prison/died almost in prison last year] .

10.    I  [*could barely see you/could see you barely/barely could see you]  in the dark.




She liked the present a lot last night Correct.
Obviously, you can never be Correct sure of what will happen.
Please, drive your car carefully tomorrow Correct.
Our team are playing badly and will probably Correct lose.
We were playing quietly in our room all night Correct.
Usually they were quickly sent Correct to their rooms if they misbehaved.
A: 'Does she behave well?'  B: 'Honestly, she often behaves badly Correct.'
Thousands of people are wrongly imprisoned in the US every year Correct.
Emma Larson almost died in prison last year Correct.
I could barely see you Correct in the dark.