Position of adverbs and adverb phrases / местоположение Наречия в Английском предложении


Read the sentences and choose the correct one.

[start-test type=10 col=2]

[question text="Which sentence is correct? " answers=" Does he go late to bed usually?#*Does he usually go late to bed?#Does he go late usually to bed? "]

[question text="Which sentence is correct? " answers=" *David walks to work every morning.#David every morning walks to work.#David walks every morning to work. "]

[question text="Which sentence is NOT correct? " answers=" *I ate quickly my breakfast and went out.#I ate my breakfast quickly and went out.#I quickly ate my breakfast and went out. "]

[question text="Which sentence is correct? " answers=" Did you learn a lot today at school?#*Did you learn a lot at school today?#Did you learn today a lot at school? "]

[question text="Which sentence is correct? " answers=" *She hardly ever gets angry.#She gets angry hardly ever.#She gets hardly ever angry. "]

[question text="Which sentence is NOT correct? " answers=" She is obviously always thinking about him.#*She obviously is thinking always about him.#Obviously, she is always thinking about him. "]

[question text="Which sentence is correct? " answers=" They won easily the game yesterday.#Yesterday, they won easily the game.#*They won the game easily yesterday. "]

[question text="Which sentence is correct? " answers=" *He doesn't always sleep at home on Mondays.#He always doesn't sleep at home on Mondays.#On Mondays, he doesn't sleep always at home. "]

[question text="Which sentence is correct? " answers=" They eat healthily rarely.#Rarely they eat healthily.#*They rarely eat healthily. "]

[question text="Which sentence is correct? " answers=" *I could barely think straight#I barely could think straight#I could think barely straight "]








1.    Mid position in questions is always after the subject.

2.    Adverbs of place and time go in end position and in this order.

3.   Adverbs of manner (quickly) usually go in end position, but they can also go in mid position.
      Remember that end position is after subject + verb + object (we can never separate verb and object).

4.    Adverbs of place (at school) and time (today) go in end position and in this order.

5.    Hardly ever is a frequency adverb. Frequency adverbs usually go in mid position.

6.    Obviously is a comment adverb. Comment adverbs normally go in initial position. But they can sometimes go in mid         position.
        Always is a frequency adverb. Frequency adverbs usually go in mid position.

7.    Adverbs of manner (easily) usually go in end position, although they hey can also go in mid position.
       Adverbs of time (yesterday) usually go in end position, although they can also go at the beginning.
       Remember that end position is after subject + verb + object (we can never separate verb and object).

8.    Frequency adverbs (always) usually go in mid position.
       Adverbs of place (at home) and time (on Mondays) go in end position and in this order.

9.    Frequency adverbs (rarely) usually go in mid position.
       Adverbs of manner (healthily) usually go in end position.

10.    Barely is an adverb of degree, and most adverbs of degree go in mid position.
        Straight is an adverb of manner, and adverbs of manner usually go in final position.