В Задании 3 Вам будет предложено выбрать одно из трех фото и описать его. Вот пример выполнения этого задания из демоверсии ЕГЭ 2020 года:
На подготовку даётся 1.5 минуты, а на выполнение 2 минуты. Максимум здесь можно получить 7 баллов.
Пример выполнения Задания 3
I’ve chosen photo № 1. Please, have a look at my photo.
1) This photo was taken last weekend at my house. It was Sunday and my sister had her birthday party on this day.
2) In the photo you can see my small sister (her name’s Ann) and her classmates in her bedroom. Ann is on the left-hand side of the picture.
3) The children are playing a game and having fun. The girl with tied eyes is trying to catch her friends. The girls are wearing beautiful dresses, while the boy is wearing a blue shirt, white T-shirt and jeans.
4) I keep this picture in my album because my sister asked me to keep the memories of this special day in our album. Besides, she likes looking through her birthday photos and remembering how much fun she had.
5) I decided to show this picture to you as I know you are preparing a project about celebrating birthday parties and this photo might come in handy for it.
That’s all I wanted to say. I hope you like this photo.
(16 фраз)
Ещё один пример
I’ve chosen photo number 1. Please, take a look at my photo.
пункт 1
Where and when the photo was taken
This photo was taken last summer in Red Square.
пункт 2
What/who is in the photo
In this pic you can see my friend Elena. She is in the centre of the photograph. There is a beautiful red building in the background.
пункт 3
What is happening
Elena is taking a selfie photo with the buildings behind her back. She is a tall and slim lady with long black hair. In this picture my friend is wearing a white blouse, pink scarf and black trousers. Elena is holding a denim jacket and a bag. She looks happy because it’s one of the most thrilling holidays she has always dreamt about.
пункт 4
Why you keep the photo in your album
I keep this photo in my album because it was Elena’s first visit to Russia. She wanted to share her emotions and asked me to keep these memories.
пункт 5
Why you decided to show the picture to your friend
I decided to show this picture to you as I know you are planning to go somewhere for your holiday this year. Elena could tell you about her travel experience.
That’s all I wanted to say.
Всего 18 фраз с учётом вступительного и завершающего предложения.
I’ve chosen photo number 1. Please, take a look at my photo.
1) This photo was taken last summer in Red Square.
2) In this pic you can see my friend Elena. She is in the centre of the photograph. There is a beautiful red bulding in the background.
3) Elena is taking a selfie photo with the buildings behind her back. She is a tall and slim lady with long black hair. In this picture my friend is wearing a white blouse, pink scarf and black trousers. Elena is holding a denim jacket and a bag. She looks happy because it’s one of the most thrilling holidays she has always dreamt about.
4) I keep this photo in my album because it was Elena’s first visit to Russia. She wanted to share her emotions and asked me to keep these memories.
5) I decided to show this picture to you as I know you are planning to go somewhere for your holiday this year. Elena could tell you about her travel experience.
That’s all I wanted to say.
И ещё один пример выполнения Задания 3
Task 3
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
● where and when the photo was taken
● what/who is in the photo
● what is happening
● why you keep the photo in your album
● why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
“I’ve chosen photo number one”
Taking photos is my hobby. If I have an opportunity to take a good picture I never miss it. I have a picture to show you.
● where and when the photo was taken
This photo was taken a few years ago in a park not so far from my house.
● what / who is in the photo
In the photo you can see my sister Liza. She lives in St. Petersburg. Whenever she comes to Moscow she always stays at our flat and we do things together.
● what is happening
Liza is jogging in the park. Unlike me, she does it every day no matter how bad the weather might be. Fortunately, the weather was perfect that day and we enjoyed jogging together.
● why you keep the photo in your album
I keep this photo in my album because she looks really happy and cute here. I like to see her happy.
● why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You know, Liza is an artist. I've decided to show you this picture because you once told me that you would like to learn to paint. She will be here next week so I think you could meet her and take a few lessons.
Now you know what my friend looks like. Hope you will enjoy talking to her.
That’s all I wanted to say. (обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, говорящая о завершении ответа)
Вот что получилось:
I’ve chosen photo number one. Taking photos is my hobby. If I have an opportunity to take a good picture I never miss it. I have a picture to show you.
This photo was taken a few years ago in a park not so far from my house.
In the photo you can see my sister Liza. She lives in St. Petersburg. Whenever she comes to Moscow she always stays at our flat and we do things together.
Liza is jogging in the park. Unlike me, she does it every day no matter how bad the weather might be. Fortunately, the weather was perfect that day and we enjoyed jogging together.
I keep this photo in my album because she looks really happy and cute here. I like to see her happy.
You know, Liza is an artist. I've decided to show you this picture because you once told me that you would like to learn to paint. She will be here next week so I think you could meet her and take a few lessons.
Now you know what my friend looks like. Hope you will enjoy talking to her.
That’s all I wanted to say.
На экзамене вы можете говорить с использованием сложных грамматических структур, а можете и без них. Если вы соблюли все критерии и не сделали ошибок, оба ответа будут оценены на максимальный балл.
Критерии оценивания
Задание оценивается по трем критериям:
- решение коммуникативной задачи/содержание (максимум – 3 балла)
- организация устного высказывания (максимум – 2 балла)
- Выбирайте картинку, где предметы, люди и другие объекты хорошо видны и не вызывают различные толкования.
- Выбирайте фото, где изображены люди, которые совершают какие-либо действия. Так, у вас будет больше возможностей для маневра, например, описать настроение, одежду и род занятий человека, гораздо проще, чем что-то статичное, как музей.
- Выбирайте фото, по принципу “хорошо представляете”, что будете рассказывать и какие лексико-грамматические конструкции используете. Это сэкономит ваше время и добавит баллы за правильные высказывания.
- Если фантазия, личный опыт не дают вам “развернуться”, используйте клише ответов, имена своих настоящих друзей или родственников.
- Не меняйте “коней на скаку”. Выбрали фото, описываете только выбранное фото. Лучше меньше, да лучше.
- Помните, что вас нет на картинке, но пояснение вы делаете от первого лица, т.е. “I keep this photo because…” Показывая фото, вы обращаетесь к своему другу, поэтому говорите : “I decided to show this picture to you…” .
- Повторите грамматику Present Continuous и предлоги места; лексику для описания внешности, одежды, характера и рода деятельности человека, а также природы, зданий, транспорта.
- Повторите произношение артиклей в географических названиях, достопримечательностях, использование артиклей, предлогов в этих случаях, например, самые известные места:
в городах:in London, in New York, in Saint Petersburg;
на площади:in Trafalgar Square, in Times Square, in Palace Square, in Red Square;
в парке:in Gorky Park, in Hyde Park, in Central Park;
по реке:on the Neva River, on the Thames River, on the Hudson River;
достопримечательности:the Hermitage; - Tretyakov Gallery; - Big Ben; the Tower of London; the Statue of Liberty.
Типичные ошибки
Вот типичные ошибки в содержании:
- Забывают сказать, какое фото выбрали для описания.
- Забывают при описании первого пункта место или время, когда было сделано фото (where and when the photo was taken).
- Забывают описывать, что находится слева-справа, на переднем и заднем планах. Скажут что-нибудь вроде “There is a boy in the centre of the picture” и чешут дальше.
- Забывают проговорить или 4й, или 5й пункт (для некоторых учеников они кажутся похожими).
- Вместо развернутых ответов дают односложные фразы на каждый пункт плана;
- Не соблюдают связность монолога, перескакивая с пункта на пункт;
- Редко используют/с ошибками/вообще не используют средства логической связи, предлоги местоположения;
- Дают лишнюю информацию, сбиваясь с темы фотографии, или, наоборот, неполные/неточные ответы (например, неправильный возраст человека, количество людей на картинке или неверные погодные условия);
- Описывают себя на фотографии и забывают адресовать другу, т.е. ТЕБЕ то, что изображено на картинке. Это означает непонимание коммуникативной задачи;
- Допускают лексико-грамматические ошибки, например: on this photo; make a photo; that’s all I wanted to tell.
- Не делают вступления и заключения.
- Говорят клишированными фразами
А тут типичные грамматические ошибки, возникающие при описании фотографии:
- Используют Present Simple при описании того, что видят на фотографии – The girl stands in the background.
- Ставят неправильный предлог в словосочетании “in the picture/ photo” – you can see my family on/at the picture.
- Забывают артикли – “there is boy in the photo”.’
- Забывают окончание -s – “the photo show us a picnic”.
Задание 4
Мы видим 2 фото, которые нужно описать и сравнить по заданным критериям. Вот пример задания из демоверсии 2020 года:
На подготовку даётся 1.5 минуты, на ответ 2 минуты. Максимум за это задание можно получить 7 баллов.
Это задание высокого уровня сложности, рассчитанное на обучающихся, приближающих к В2. Из-за этого требования к ответу на задание 4 значительно выше, чем требования к ответам на задания 1–3 как в плане содержания, так и в плане языкового оформления высказывания.
I’d like to compare and contrAst these two pictures showing some ways of celebrations.
Помните про ударение в глаголе contrAst. За неверное произношение, и это довольна частая ошибка, снимают баллы.
PHOTO – частое слово в этом задании, поэтому его тоже нужно верно произносить : [ˈfəʊ.təʊ].
пункт 1
Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
In the first picture we can see a family unwrapping a present next to fireplace (деталь). In the second picture there are children holding presents in the park (деталь).
пункт 2
Say what the pictures have in common
These two photos have some similarities. Firstly, both of the pictures show us some moments of celebrating a holiday (общая идея – празднование какого-либо праздника). Secondly, in these two photos we can see people happy to get together on a special occasion (общая идея – радость собраться вместе по особенному случаю).
пункт 3
Say in what way the pictures are different
As for the differences, in the first picture the parents and their child are celebrating Christmas (общее описание события – празднуют Рождество). In the second picture we can see many kids having fun at a birthday party (общее описание события – празднуют день рождения). Another difference is that in the first photo there is a cozy home celebration in winter, while in the second one there is a big birthday gathering outdoors in summer time (общее местоположение и время события) .
пункт 4
Say which of the celebrations presented in the pictures you preferred as a child
As a child I preferred celebrating a birthday party,
пункт 5
Explain why
because I enjoyed having fun with my friends. Also, playing outdoor games is one of my favourite things to do in summer.
That’s all I wanted to say.
Всего 14 фраз (включая 2 обязательные фразы: вступление и завершение. Сложносочиненные предложения считаются как два). Полностью они выглядят так:
I’d like to compare and contrast these two pictures showing some ways of celebrations.
1) In the first picture we can see a family unwrapping a present next to fireplace. In the second picture there are children holding presents in the park.
2) These two photos have some similarities. Firstly, both of the pictures show us some moments of celebrating a holiday. Secondly, in these two photos we can see people happy to get together on a special occasion.
3) As for the differences, in the first picture the parents and their child are celebrating Christmas. In the second picture we can see many kids having fun at a birthday party. Another difference is that in the first photo there is a cozy home celebration in winter, while in the second one there is a big birthday gathering outdoors in summer time.
4) As a child I preferred celebrating a birthday party,
5) because I enjoyed having fun with my friends. Also, playing outdoor games is one of my favourite things to do in summer.
That’s all I wanted to say.
Или можно вот так:
I’d like to compare and contrast these two pictures.
1) If we look at the first picture, we can see a family opening presents at home. In the second picture there are children standing with presents in their hands in the park.
2) As for the similarities between these two pictures, firstly they demonstrate celebrations. Also, both pictures show us people who are happy to be together on a holiday.
3) As for the differences between these two photos, in the first picture we can see people celebrating Christmas. The second picture shows us a birthday party. Another important difference is that there is a small celebration in the first picture, while there is a big party in the second one.
4) As a child I preferred the celebration shown in photo 1…
5) … because I used to be really shy and didn’t like many people around me. Also, I was really fond of our family parties.
That’s all I wanted to say.
Ещё один пример выполнения Задания 4
I’d like to compare and contrast these two photos.
1) In the first picture, we can see a woman sitting in a tent. In the second picture, there is a woman lying in bed.
2) These two photos have some similarities. Firstly, we can see two women chilling out. Secondly, both of the pictures show us some ways of spending a day off.
3) As for the differences, in the first picture, you can see the tent as a type of accommodation, while in the second photo it’s a hotel room. Another difference is that in the first photo it’s an activity holiday and in the second photo it’s a package holiday.
4) If I were to choose I’d prefer a hotel room,
5) because it’s comfortable and nice.
That’s all I wanted to say.
Я также рекомендую Вам посмотреть вот этот вариант выролнения Задания 4
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
● give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
● say what the pictures have in common
● say in what way the pictures are different
● say which of the ways of reading a book presented in the pictures you’d prefer
● explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
I found two pictures in my album and I am going to compare and contrast them.
1. give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
In both pictures you can see my sister Natasha. She is a big book reader and she reads everywhere. In the first picture she is sitting on a sofa at home and reading an e-book. In the second picture she is reading a book on a train.
2. say what the pictures have in common
These pictures have many things in common. First of all, the same person, Natasha is in both of them. Second, in both pictures Natasha is reading. There are no other people around, she’s alone. In both pictures she’s smiling, which means she’s reading about something nice or funny.
3. say in what way the pictures are different
There are some differences as well. First, she is dressed differently in each picture. In the first picture she is wearing a bathrobe and in the second one she’s wearing a t-shirt. In the first picture she’s at home and in the second one she’s on a train. The color of her hair is different, black in picture one and white in picture two. She’s reading an e-book in one picture and a regular book in the other.
4. say which of the ways of reading a book presented in the pictures you’d prefer
Personally, I would prefer reading e-books. Having one e-book reader with you allows you to have all the books you want in one place. It’s like a personal library.
5. explain why
I like reading a few books at the same time. It’s not comfortable for me to carry a couple kilos of regular books in my bag.
That’s it, thank you for listening. (обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, говорящая о завершении ответа)
Вот что получилось:
I found two pictures in my album and I am going to compare and contrast them.
In both pictures you can see my sister Natasha. She is a big book reader and she reads everywhere. In the first picture she is sitting on a sofa at home and reading an e-book. In the second picture she is reading a book on a train.
These pictures have many things in common. First of all, the same person, Natasha is in both of them. Second, in both pictures Natasha is reading. There are no other people around, she’s alone. In both pictures she’s smiling, which means she’s reading about something nice or funny.
There are some differences as well. First, she is dressed differently in each picture. In the first picture she is wearing a bathrobe and in the second one she’s wearing a t-shirt. In the first picture she’s at home and in the second one she’s on a train. The color of her hair is different, black in picture one and white in picture two. She’s reading an e-book in one picture and a regular book in the other.
Personally, I would prefer reading e-books. Having one e-book reader with you allows you to have all the books you want in one place. It’s like a personal library.
I like reading a few books at the same time. It’s not comfortable for me to carry a couple kilos of regular books in my bag.
That’s it, thank you for listening.
Важно помнить
- если в монологе есть повторы в ответах на пункты плана, то это всегда ошибка. Если это повтор идей, то снижается оценка по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи»; если это повтор лексики или однообразие грамматических структур, то снижается оценка по критерию «Языковое оформление текста»;
- в четвертом пункте плана могут использоваться разные формулировки: you prefer, you’d prefer, you preferred as a child и т.п. Для выполнения коммуникативной задачи участник экзамена должен использовать ту же глагольную форму, которая дана в плане. Если вы говорите “I’d prefer” вместо “I prefer”, это означает, что вы не поняли коммуникативной задачи, и аспект считается нераскрытым;
Полезные фразы
1) If we look at the first picture, we can see … . In the second picture there is/are … .
2) As for the similarities between the two pictures, firstly they demonstrate … . Both pictures show us … .
3) As for the differences between these two photos, in the first picture we can see … . The second picture shows us … . Another important difference is … .
4) I personally prefer/ I’d personally prefer/ I preferred as a child (вариант ответа зависит напрямую от формулировки, данной в самом задании) … .
5) I’ve made such a choice because …
Типичные ошибки
- Забывают вступление и заключение
- Не упоминают action и location отдельно для двух фото
- Говорят не 2 сходства/различия/причины, почему выбрали именно это фото, а одно (согласно методичке ФИПИ, можно назвать 1 сходство, но тогда вы рискуете недобрать фразы)
- Повторяют идеи в разных пунктах и грамматические структуры с лексикой
- Говорят не ту фразу, что написана в пункте 4 вопроса, а “I prefer picture #1/2”
- Не укладываются во время и ученикам минусуют пункты, которые остались за пределами 2 минут
- Используют Present Simple (нужно Present Continuous!) при описании того, что видят на фотографии – The children hold presents
- Ставят неправильный предлог в словосочетании “in the picture/ photo” – there’s a family on/at the picture/ photo
- Забывают артикли – “there is boy in the photo” или ставят неправильные. Например, первый раз сказали про этого мальчика “a boy”, и продолжают про него говорить с неопределенным артиклем, хотя второй раз нужно говорить “the boy”
- Забывают окончание -s – “the photo show us children in the park”, или ставят его туда, где не нужно – “both pictures shows us …”
Не забывайте, что на экзамене вместе с вами начнут сразу говорить еще несколько человек, которые сидят в компьютерном классе. Поэтому на тренировке полезно включать радио, или телевизор, когда практиуетек устную часть. Это поможет справиться с звуковыми помехами на экзамене.